HarmLessBeings 'Ditch Dairy' Sticker

$4.99 CAD


With so many dairy alternatives that don't cause harm and suffering to mother & baby cows and are much better for the planet and for your health, there has never been a better time to ditch dairy! Stick this sticker on your water bottles, coffee mugs, laptops, bicycles... anywhere you want to let people know that dairy industry is not what it seems.

Approx 3" x 3", matte vinyl

$4 from each sale goes to Liberation BC and the people and organizations they support!

They are currently supporting a calf rescuer and whistleblower who exposed animal abuse at a dairy farm in BC.

About Liberation BC

Vision: A world in which humans recognize and respect that all animals have a fundamental right to life, liberty and the freedom from human-caused exploitation and harm. 


  • To expose animal exploitation through outreach and education.

  • To promote a vegan lifestyle as the most effective and attainable way to protect animals.

  • To build and provide support for a strong community of effective animal advocates.